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 How It All Began...

Once upon a time, in 1994,

an herbalist/midwife delivered a large baby boy

.in the state of Washington 

She then provided the new mother with a recycled baby food jar

in which she had poured an herbal concoction

.renowned for healthy baby bottoms

This salve was purchased and shared

with family and  friends for many years 

since it was useful for protecting and promoting healing

,for just about anything that affected the skin

.including burns and bug bites

,Finally, upon request 

.the midwife shared her recipe with the aging mother

After much research and adjustment  

this recipe has been  standardized to include coconut oil

 .and a  dozen  beneficial herbs

And, just like baby boys grow, 

Mama's Healing Salve

has also grown to include lip balm,

analgesic balm, and antiseptic spray, drawing salve,

deodorant and toothpaste.

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